Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Trailer Trash

For such an atrocious movie, this is one of the best trailers I have ever seen. It uses very powerful, colorful imagery that is very clear and simple, and the music gives the trailer a gradual and suspenseful build-up. To support these, the dialogue tells a brief overview of the story in the film, but you still want to find out more (especially who Odius is), which is what a trailers are intended to do. The text is also very clean and makes you believe that the "Acclaimed Directors" and writers are important people.

The first time I watched this preview I got chills down my back.
The first time I watched this movie I sealed it in the Netflix envelope in hopes for it to never be reopened.

1 comment:

  1. atrocious is a word i don't hear enough, haha, thanks berger, i will be sure to never see this movie.
