Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Info Graph Examples

I thought it would be good to compare and contrast two separate types of infographics for sailboats. Obviously the one in Dutch is more difficult to read and understand, but visually I think that they both work well. Larry Ellison's boat version is more simplistic and reads better, but there are some good elements in the top version. The elements in the top version could be infographics in themselves, such as the map and the demonstration of the clothing, but all of the elements combined in to one page make for a more difficult to read and clustered infographic opposed to the simplistic version below it.

Inspirational Designer- Emily Pilloton

Emily Pilloton, the founder of Project H design is an inspirational designer to me because of what she has done for the world as opposed to for herself. She has done what I aspire to do in life which is make a difference in people's lives who need it the most. Products such as Life Straw and Hippo Roller have made a huge difference in some of the poorest countries in the world, allowing people to drink water without getting deathly sick.

Patagonia is a brand that uses simplicity to their advantage. Quality materials make for products that last a lifetime. A brand that started by making rock-climbing hardware out of a garage now makes some of the best outdoor clothing for extreme conditions. They support many environmental initiatives and are constantly expanding the range of product that they design.


Info Graphic

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Trailer Trash

For such an atrocious movie, this is one of the best trailers I have ever seen. It uses very powerful, colorful imagery that is very clear and simple, and the music gives the trailer a gradual and suspenseful build-up. To support these, the dialogue tells a brief overview of the story in the film, but you still want to find out more (especially who Odius is), which is what a trailers are intended to do. The text is also very clean and makes you believe that the "Acclaimed Directors" and writers are important people.

The first time I watched this preview I got chills down my back.
The first time I watched this movie I sealed it in the Netflix envelope in hopes for it to never be reopened.