Monday, November 29, 2010

Houseware Project


My strengths as a designer:

Technically, in school I'd say my strengths are my 3D modeling abilities, but I think my strengths go beyond the surface of what we learn in school.
I think my biggest strength as a designer is my desire to do good for other people. I constantly have the welfare of others on my mind when designing new products. My ultimate goal is to work for a company that does humanitarian design.

Good Design

Sure, this is the textbook definition of "Good Design", but I think the question "What is good design?" is very subjective and varies from person to person. To me, good design is design that makes a significant impact on a person's life. I know I've referenced the product before in my blog, but I think something like the Lifestraw, designed by Project H is the quintessential example of good design.

Mixed Media

Some good examples of mixed media renderings by French designer Nicolas Bodin.

Goals Reviewed

Since I didn't exactly specify my goals at the beginning of the quarter, I'll do so now. I wanted to improve my sketching abilities, and rendering capabilities as well as gain new skills in order to get a job that I wanted.
So far, I think I've improved my sketching abilities, but still need a lot of work in perfecting my rendering skills.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010