Monday, May 16, 2011

Minimal Audio

This minimalist speaker concept was created based off of the iconic Tivoli Model 1 radio. A very unobtrusive and sleek design that will fit well in any contemporary setting.

3 Concepts

Timeless Design

I am inspired everyday by some of the elegant designs that haven't had a need for change since they first appeared. For the chair that I am designing, I am striving to create something timeless that will still retain its design and quality 20 to 30 years from now and won't lose its valor 5 to 10 years down the road.

Dutch Furniture Design

This design is inspired by Dutch furniture design. When I look at Dutch design it gives me a sense of aloofness and nostalgia. It makes me smile, and I see it as something that relieves any pretensions that one may have towards design.

Future of DIY?

Could this product provide a future of home DIY Industrial Designers?
The impact that this product could have on the design world is huge, and furthermore create an awareness of Industrial Design and a better appreciation for product and design.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Houseware Project


My strengths as a designer:

Technically, in school I'd say my strengths are my 3D modeling abilities, but I think my strengths go beyond the surface of what we learn in school.
I think my biggest strength as a designer is my desire to do good for other people. I constantly have the welfare of others on my mind when designing new products. My ultimate goal is to work for a company that does humanitarian design.